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Mode of delivery in obese primigravidas analysed by visceral fat (VF) measurement in early pregnancy
  1. V O'Dwyer,
  2. C Fattah,
  3. N Farah,
  4. N O'Connor,
  5. M M Kennelly,
  6. M J Turner
  1. UCD Centre for Human Reproduction, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland


Objective The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between mode of delivery in primigravidas and visceral fat measured in early pregnancy.

Study design We enrolled women at their convenience between July 2008 and April 2010 after a sonogram confirmed they had an ongoing singleton pregnancy in the first trimester. Visceral fat was measured using bioelectrical impedence analysis (Tanita 180, Tokyo). Clinical and demographic details were recorded at the first antenatal visit and at delivery. Visceral fat centiles had previously been derived for a white European population.1

Results Out of 1008 primigravidas enrolled, 973 subsequently delivered in the hospital a baby weighing 500 g or more. In women with a visceral fat >7, there was an increase in the mean age, mean birth weight and rate of induction of labour (p=0.01). There was a higher rate of emergency caesarean section in women with a visceral fat measurement >7 compared to women with a visceral fat measurement ≤7 (p=0.01). This was due to higher rates of fetal distress (p=0.01) in labour.

Conclusion Our study showed an association between increased caesarean section rates and maternal obesity based on the visceral fat measurement in the first trimester.

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