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NWLPN innovative approach to perinatal network education: multi professional, workplace based, network teaching program
  1. L F Ronnie1,2,
  2. H Naylor1,3
  1. 1North West London Perinatal Network, London, UK
  2. 2Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK
  3. 3Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK


NWLPN Parent representative group identified differing practice and communication as particular sources of anxiety when moving between units. Network benchmarks and reported incidents highlighted gaps in knowledge and skills.

A training needs analysis identified priorities but as a network we faced challenges of how to deliver standardised education to a geographically separate work force in an accessible and financially viable format.

As an alternative to a single network educator we chose to deliver education via a series of discrete packages, delivered by different clinical teams, drawing on the wide expertise within the network. Sessions are repeated at each hospital site for ease of attendance.


  • Communication skills Interactive program using actors and video feedback.

  • Post newborn resuscitation Scenario based teaching with medical and nursing staff from two or more network hospitals working as a team.

  • Feeding and nutrition – led by neonatal dietitian and neonatal SALT.

  • Neonatal surgical pathway led by nurse specialists, neonatologist from surgical centre and paediatric surgeons.

  • Neonatal palliative care pathway – multi agency input including paediatric palliative care team and local children's hospice services.

  • The late preterm baby: Warm, sweet and pink tailored for maternity teams.

  • Introduction to developmental care – observation sessions and basic principles led by NIDCAP trainer.

  • Discharge planning and preparation using action learning techniques to devise quality improvements which facilitate early discharge.

The program has provided networking opportunities for staff and cross site attendance has improved knowledge of other units in network.

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