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Impact of acute cardiac transfers conducted by the west midlands neonatal transfer service
  1. A Shenvi1,
  2. J Harrison1,
  3. A Dhillon1,2,
  4. A Skinner1,
  5. S V Rasiah2
  1. 1West Midlands Neonatal Transfer Service, Birmingham, UK
  2. 2Neonatal Unit, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Birmingham, UK


Introduction Congenital heart disease is the commonest group of congenital malformations and accounts for approximately 10% of infant deaths.1 Affected infants need to be transferred to paediatric cardiology centres. The West Midlands Neonatal Transfer Service (WMNTS) was established in 2007 and is primarily Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (ANNPs) led.

Aim and methods Retrospective review of all acute cardiac transfers conducted by WMNTS from January 2007 to December 2010.

Results 236 transfers were conducted during this period. 188 babies were on prostin infusion of which 45 babies were ventilated. 184 were transferred to cardiology wards, while 52 were transferred to PICU. 225 babies were transferred to the regional tertiary children's hospital.

Conclusions Acute cardiac transfers comprised approx. 6% of the transfers conducted by WMNTS. 95% of the babies remained within region. All transfers were completed safely. ANNPs are capable of transferring these sick babies safely.

Abstracts PE.11 Table 1

Demographic data for cardiac transfers carried out in 4 years

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