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Evaluation of antenatal thrombocytopenia in 115 women attending a tertiary centre, together with neonatal platelet counts: can this information help in antenatal counselling
  1. J Rajeswary,
  2. B Myers
  1. Nottingham University hospitals, Nottingham, UK


The aim of this study was to evaluate the maternal platelet count in women diagnosed antenatally with thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100) from any cause, neonatal outcome, and, where available, the corresponding neonatal platelet count. The authors wanted the information in our population to guide us in the following: (1) for antenatal counselling, as most women diagnosed with thrombocytopenia are anxious regarding foetal and neonatal outcomes, (2) Guidance in managing those babies who did not have a cord blood count done at birth.

115 women with thrombocytopenia were identified from laboratory records over a 3-year period from a tertiary care unit in a combined Obstetric haematology clinic. Of the 115 maternities, neonatal platelet counts were available only on 44 babies (38.2%), of which there were only 2 babies with a count of less than 100 (4 %) was noted

Of the 71 babies who did not have a count one was stillbirth, due to severe preeclampsia, IUGR and prematurity, none had any notable neonatal problems.

This information is helpful in antenatal counselling of women who are found to have thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. It will help reduce maternal anxiety regarding neonatal outcomes.

Also these data encourage us to look at larger numbers and decide if the authors need to do neonatal counts as a routine if a cord blood sample has been missed.

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