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DIPAG: diabetes in pregnancy advisory group, West Midlands – improving standards/improved care
  1. N Shah1,
  2. A Anwar2,
  3. P Brydon3,
  4. J Gardosi3
  1. 1Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
  2. 2Warwick University, Warwick, UK
  3. 3West Midlands Perinatal Institute, Birmingham, UK


DiPAG The ‘Diabetes in Pregnancy Advisory Group’ is a specialist, multiprofessional group run from the West Midlands Perinatal Institute ( Following the West Midlands (WM) and CEMACH Diabetes in Pregnancy project 2002–2003 reports it was set up to advise on current clinical priorities for improving the care of diabetes in pregnancy (DiP); to make regional recommendations; to assist with developing allied projects/research.

DiPAG has representation from diabetologists, obstetricians, diabetic specialist midwives, dieticians and patient/charitable group representatives (eg, diabetes UK). The group runs two to three regional training/educational meetings a year and meets bimonthly to progress regional/national projects. Over the past 2 years some of these projects include:

  1. (1) Diabetes in Pregnancy Hand-Held Notes – To standardise and improve care/communication by developing a clear record of the care received/planned, and to make relevant information accessible for women. They were adopted as the template for development of national DiP notes by NHS Diabetes UK.

  2. (2) WM Clinical Practices: Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy – Clinical practice document/CD-Rom provides detailed, referenced management plans and background information to use throughout pregnancy and the puerperium.

  3. (3) Patient Information Leaflets – High-quality suite of leaflets to inform patients/health professionals before/during/after pregnancy. Pilot study – February 2010, leaflets launch – May 2010.

Conclusion Regional and national initiatives are necessary to improve services and pregnancy outcomes for women with differing problems in the UK. DiPAG is a good example of just such an initiative and the improvements in standards and care that can be achieved.

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