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Kneeling delivery in America 2000 years ago
  1. J E Bernal1,
  2. I Briceno1
  1. 1
    Instituto de Genética Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
  1. Dr J E Bernal, Instituto de Genética Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cra 7 No 40–62, Bogotá, Colombia; jebernal{at}

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Kneeling delivery has been preserved in America for more than 2000 years as gathered from artistic representations of pre-Columbian Indians. The Tumaco-La Tolita culture flourished on the border between present day Colombia and Ecuador; although it was extinct by the time the Spaniards arrived, the people left a …

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