Table of contents
March 2008 - Volume 93 - 2
- Fantoms (22 February, 2008)
Leading articles
- Value and validity of neonatal disease severity scoring systems (24 September, 2007)
- Ethical and legal aspects of video recording neonatal resuscitation (26 November, 2007)
Original articles
- Group B streptococcal disease in Portuguese infants younger than 90 days (18 December, 2007)
- A cohort study of low Apgar scores and cognitive outcomes (4 October, 2007)
- Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy (12 September, 2007)
- Noise levels during nCPAP are flow-dependent but not device-dependent (18 December, 2007)
Short reports
Case report
- Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent neonatal epileptic encephalopathy (22 February, 2008)
- Pathogenesis of cerebral white matter injury of prematurity (22 February, 2008)
Images in neonatal medicine
Perinatal lessons from the past
- Professor Munro Kerr (1868–1960) of Glasgow and caesarean delivery (22 February, 2008)
- Influence of duration of parenteral nutrition on retinopathy of prematurity (22 February, 2008)
- Bubble CPAP must be used with care to avoid harm (22 February, 2008)
- Thyroid volumes in newborns of different gestational ages: normative data (22 February, 2008)
- Rationalising the use of “growing bloods” in stable preterm infants (22 February, 2008)
- Nerve blockade as a therapeutic option in severe neonatal arterial ischaemia (22 February, 2008)