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Congenital depression of the neonatal skull: a self limiting condition
  1. L Hanlon,
  2. B Hogan,
  3. D Corcoran,
  4. S Ryan
  1. Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Ryan
    Department of Radiology, Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street and Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; stephanie.ryan{at}

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A term male infant weighing 3460 g was delivered by vacuum extraction for fetal distress to a healthy 30 year old primagravida. Antenatal course was uneventful, and the baby was delivered in good condition (Apgar scores 9 and 10 at one and five minutes). A right parietal skull depression was noted clinically, separate from the site of ventouse application. Neurological …

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