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Are endocannabinoids the basis for neonatal analgesia through non-nutritive sucking?
  1. J Craske,
  2. M Cunliffe
  1. Pain and Sedation Service, Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital, Alder Hey, Eaton Road, Liverpool, L12 2AP, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    M Cunliffe
    Pain and Sedation Service, Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital, Alder Hey, Eaton Road, Liverpool, L12 2AP, UK;

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The use of oral sucrose solution with and without non-nutritive sucking (NNS) has been shown to reduce the physiological and behavioural responses to procedural pain in neonates.1

The analgesic effects of sucrose are mediated by endogenous opioid pathways.1 In contrast, the analgesic effects of NNS are unknown but hypothesised to be through non-opioid pathways by stimulation of orotactile and mechanoreceptor …

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