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A commentary on the paper by Cuttini et al
Active euthanasia has been mainly discussed in geriatric medicine, allowing old people to be relieved of unacceptable suffering. It is often a question of assisted suicide when the patient’s will can be respected. This has been practiced in the Netherlands since the 1970s and is now also legal. The question considered here is whether active euthanasia can be allowed for infants. This is not yet permitted in the Netherlands or any other country, but practiced in both Holland and France.
Cuttini et al present an international survey on attitudes towards euthanasia among nurses and doctors working in neonatal intensive care units. This is a part of a bigger interview study, the EURONICS, performed 1996–1997 before the amendment to the Dutch legislation allowing euthanasia was passed.
Seven countries belonging to the EU (Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, …