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Skeletal development in premature infants: a review of bone physiology beyond nutritional aspects
  1. F Rauch,
  2. E Schoenau
  1. Children's Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Rauch, Shriners Hospital for Children, 1529 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A6, Canada;


Bone development is usually seen as a process of bone mineral accretion or increase in bone mass, and treatment of bone disorders usually consists of attempts to maximise bone mass accumulation by nutritional means only. However, from a functional perspective, bones should not be as heavy as possible, but rather as stable as necessary. It is therefore important to create conditions that stimulate bones to become more stable.

  • skeletal development
  • premature
  • bone physiology

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