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Preterm infants with athetoid cerebral palsy: kernicterus?
  1. A Okumuraa,c,
  2. F Hayakawab,
  3. T Katoc,
  4. K Itomia,c,
  5. S Mimuraa,
  6. K Watanabea
  1. aDepartment of Pediatrics, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, bDepartment of Pediatrics, Okazaki City Hospital, Okazaki, Japan, cDepartment of Pediatrics, Anjo Kosei Hospital, Japan
  1. Dr Okumura, Department of Pediatrics, Nagoya University School of Medicine, 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8550, Japan okumura{at}

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Patient 1 was a 2078 g boy delivered in a regional hospital at 33 weeks gestation. His postnatal course was uncomplicated. His total bilirubin level was 13.1 mg/dl on the third day of life. Thereafter, measurement of total bilirubin was discontinued. Phototherapy was not performed. He was admitted to hospital at 48 days of age because of icterus. His total bilirubin level was 19.7 mg/dl. The hyperbilirubinaemia was rapidly improved with phototherapy.

Patient 2 was a 994 g boy delivered by caesarean section at 26 weeks gestation. Although artificial ventilation was necessary because of respiratory distress syndrome followed …

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