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Normoblasts in large for gestational age infants
  1. Shaul Dollberg,
  2. Ronella Marom,
  3. Francis B Mimouni,
  4. Mark Yeruchimovich
  1. Department of Neonatology, Lis Maternity Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
  1. Dr Dollberg, Department of Neonatology, Lis Maternity Hospital, Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv, 64239, Israel email: dolberg{at}


Thirty one term large for gestational age (LGA) infants of non-diabetic mothers were compared with 30 appropriate for gestational age controls. Median absolute nucleated red blood cell counts, lymphocyte counts, and packed cell volumes were significantly higher in the LGA infants than the controls. It is possible that LGA babies of non-diabetic mothers are exposed to relative intrauterine hypoxia.

  • intrauterine hypoxia
  • nucleated red blood cells
  • erythrocytes
  • gestational diabetes mellitus

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