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Influence of spironolactone on neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  1. Itaru Teraia,
  2. Kimiaki Yamanoa,
  3. Naoshi Ichiharaa,
  4. Junri Araia,
  5. Kunihiko Kobayashib
  1. aDivision of Clinical Pathology Hokkaido Institute of Public Health Sapporo 060 Japan, bDepartment of Paediatrics Hokkaido University School of Medicine Sapporo Japan
  1. Dr Itaru Terai. Email: terai{at}


AIM To determine if the diuretic spironolactone cross reacts with 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit used for the mass screening of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

METHODS Concentrations of 17OHP on a blood filter paper disc were measured using an ELISA kit (kit C-7: ENZAPLATE N-17α -OHP-7; Chiron, Tokyo, Japan). The cross reactivity of spironolactone and its metabolites with 17OHP was determined. The concentrations of spironolactone and its metabolites in blood were measured using HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography).

RESULTS Spironolactone cross reacted with 17OHP using kit C-7 (0.01%), by increasing 17OHP concentration in a dose dependent manner. The blood concentration of spironolactone and its metabolites was nearly 900 ng/ml, high enough to show an additive effect on the 17OHP concentration. About 12% of the false positive cases screened using the kit were due to the administration of spironolactone.

CONCLUSIONS Spironolactone interferes with 17OHP concentrations, leading to false positive test results for CAH.

  • screening
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • 17α-hydroxyprogesterone
  • spironolactone

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