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Randomised controlled trial of cisapride in preterm neonates for gastric emptying time
  2. P S REDDY,
  3. V K PAUL
  1. Department of Paediatrics
  2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  3. New Delhi 110029
  4. India
  5. Department of Nuclear Medicine
    1. C S BAL
    1. Department of Paediatrics
    2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    3. New Delhi 110029
    4. India
    5. Department of Nuclear Medicine

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      Editor—We read with interest the study on the randomised controlled trial of cisapride in preterm infants reported by by McClure et al.1We have recently concluded a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study to evaluate the effect of cisapride on feed tolerance and gastric emptying of preterm neonates. (P S Reddy, A K Deorari, C S Bal, V K Paul, M …

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