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Continuous neonatal blood gas monitoring using a multiparameter intra-arterial sensor
  1. C Morgana,
  2. S J Newella,
  3. D A Duckerb,
  4. J Hodgkinsonb,
  5. D K Whitec,
  6. C J Morleyc,
  7. J M Churchd
  1. aNeonatal Intensive Care Unit, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, bAll Saint’s Hospital, Chatham, Kent, cRosie Maternity Unit, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, dDiametrics Medical Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks
  1. Dr S J Newell, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF.


AIMS To compare arterial blood gas (ABG) readings obtained with a multiparameter intra-arterial sensor with those from an ABG analyser.

METHODS An MPIAS with the ability to measure continuously pH, PaCO2, and PaO2 was introduced via an umbilical arterial catheter in 27 neonates requiring intensive care. They underwent 3260 hours of MPIAS monitoring, during which 753 ABG readings were performed.

RESULTS Overall bias (mean difference: MPIAS–ABG) and precision (standard deviation of differences) values were: −0.002 and 0.022, respectively, for pH; +0.26 and 0.52 for PaCO2 (kPa); and −0.19 and 0.99 for PaO2 (kPa). This gave 95% limits of agreement as: −0.047 to +0.042 for pH, −0.76 to +1.28 kPa for PaCO2, and −2.13 to +1.75 kPa for PaO2. For each variable, precision across readings from the same individual was better than overall precision for all data. No complications related to the use of the catheter were observed.

CONCLUSIONS Continuous MPIAS ABG monitoring is an exciting development, with the potential to reduce blood transfusions and improve ABG homeostasis.

  • blood gas monitoring
  • multiparameter intra-arterial sensor

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