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Neural migration disorders studied by cerebral ultrasound and colour Doppler flow imaging.
  1. A. Pellicer,
  2. F. Cabañas,
  3. A. Pérez-Higueras,
  4. A. García-Alix,
  5. J. Quero
  1. Department of Paediatrics, La Paz Hospital, Autónoma University of Madrid, Spain.


    Cerebral ultrasound and colour Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) were used to diagnose a wide spectrum of anomalies of cell migration (17 patients): presumed lissencephaly (n = 12); schizencephaly of both fused (n = 2) and open lips (n = 2); hemimegalencephaly (n = 1); and subependymal type grey matter heterotopia (n = 12). The patients with grey matter heterotopia had irregular ventricular margins (n = 10), periventricular hyperechogenic bands (n = 12), and/or periventricular hyperechogenic nodules (n = 7). Some patients had more than one type of migration disorder as well as other central nervous system malformations. Cerebral ultrasound diagnoses were confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or necropsy. It is concluded that colour Doppler flow imaging is a worthwhile addition to the assessment of brain surface anomalies.

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