Table of contents
September 2020 - Volume 105 - 5
- Highlights from this issue (19 August, 2020)
- Encephalopathy of prematurity (20 February, 2020)
Original research
- Early cortical maturation predicts neurodevelopment in very preterm infants (8 November, 2019)
- Diffusion tensor imaging in neonatal encephalopathy: a systematic review (10 December, 2019)
- Propofol for endotracheal intubation in neonates: a dose-finding trial (13 January, 2020)
- Thyroid function in preterm infants and neurodevelopment at 2 years (20 February, 2020)
- Priorities for collaborative research using very preterm birth cohorts (6 February, 2020)
Short reports
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip in preterm breech infants (3 January, 2020)
- Cell therapy for the preterm infant: promise and practicalities (6 April, 2020)
- Resuscitation before cord clamping: the maternal experience (5 December, 2019)
Images in neonatal medicine
- Sternal cleft in a newborn (8 April, 2020)