Table of contents
March 2017 - Volume 102 - 2
- Highlights from this issue (16 February, 2017)
Original articles
- Delivery room deaths of extremely preterm babies: an observational study (16 August, 2016)
- Neonatal hypoglycaemia: learning from claims (23 August, 2016)
- Is the infant car seat challenge useful? A pilot study in a simulated moving vehicle (30 September, 2016)
Images in neonatal medicine
- A four-vessel umbilical cord (5 December, 2016)
- Presentation of acute suppurative parotitis in a newborn with incessant crying (16 December, 2016)
- Spontaneous ping-pong parietal fracture in a newborn (19 September, 2016)
Short research report
- Waiting 2 minutes after sucrose administration—unnecessary? (18 October, 2016)
Case report
- Highlights from the literature (16 February, 2017)