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- umbilical aterial catheterization
- complication of umbilical lines
- scrotal hypoperfusion
- scrotal blood supply
A male infant delivered at 25 weeks’ gestation weighing 800 g (90th centile) had umbilical arterial (3.5 Fr) and venous (5 Fr) catheters inserted as part of routine care. Both lines were in acceptable positions at the 9th and 12th thoracic vertebrae, respectively. At 20 hours, the infant became agitated. This was attributed to the presence of a firm, pale swelling over the penis, scrotum and inguinal region (figure 1). The gluteal …
Contributors SBC wrote the case and obtained the photos, then got the consent from parents through the director of medical affairs at Corniche Hospital. FAZ and BNO reviewed the case and finally approved it for submission.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent Obtained from the parents.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.