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Case report
A non-dysmorphic term boy presented with inspiratory stridor shortly following delivery. Following clinical examination and thoracic x-ray, no external features or other clinical findings revealed any obvious explanation. Laryngomalacia was suspected. A combined rhinopharyngo—oropharyngo—and laryngoscopy revealed a cystic mass stretching from nasopharynx, to oropharynx and distally beyond the postcricoid structures, filling out 2/3 of the oropharyngeal space. The neck mass increased in size and became externally …
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Contributors OU and RS contributed to acquisition of case details. OU wrote the first draft of the manuscript. JR supplied the diagnostic images. OU, BM, JR and RS revised the manuscript. All authors have given final approval of this version to be published.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent Obtained.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.