Table 1

Subject characteristics at time of enrolment

Mean (SD), median (range) or n (%)All infants (n=100)V4 algorithm (n=50)V5 algorithm (n=50)Blood gas analysis cohort (n=57)
Gestational age (completed weeks)34 (4)35 (5)34 (4)35 (4)
Corrected gestational age (completed weeks)36 (4)36 (4)36 (4)36 (4)
Postnatal age (days)4 (0, 84)4 (1, 38)4 (0, 84)3 (0, 42)
Birth weight (g)2483 (985)2661 (1028)2305 (915)2728 (964)
Weight at study (g)2630 (958)2743 (1073)2517 (823)2830 (948)
Gender, female44 (44%)23 (46%)21 (42%)26 (46%)
Reason for mechanical ventilation (number)
Primary respiratory disease: pneumonia (4), CLD (2), evolving CLD (3), MAS (4), RDS (22), prematurity (3), pneumothorax (1), RSV bronchiolitis (2), Pierre Robin syndrome (3), bilateral vocal cord palsy (1), TOF/OA (7), PDA (2), bilateral chylothoraces (1); shock/cardiac: sepsis (3), postoperative cardiac (2), metabolic acidosis (1); postoperative support of respiratory drive: laparotomy (15), choanal atresia repair (1), gastroschisis (8), NEC/peritonitis (3), myelomeningocele (1); other respiratory drive support: HIE (8), hypotonia (1), seizures (1) and renal failure (1).
Relevant mediations at time of study (all infants)
Opiate infusion (48), opiate+midazolam infusion (38), nidazolam infusion (2), one or more inotrope (31)
  • Relevant medications prior to study (all infants).

  • Surfactant (30), antenatal corticosteroids (23), postnatal corticosteroids (12).

  • CLD, chronic lung disease; DORV, double outlet right ventricle; HIE, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy; MAS, meconium aspiration syndrome; NEC, necrotising enterocolitis; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; TOF/OA, tracheo-oesophageal fistula/oesophageal atresia.