Table 4

Clinical management of singleton infants without congenital anomalies born 32+0–36+6 weeks (n=907) by neonatal service

 Maximum respiratory support givenParenteral nutrition, n (%)Intravenous fluids, n (%)Phototherapy, n (%)Cranial ultrasound, n (%)Days to full feeds, median (range)LOS, median (range)
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)Non-invasive respiratory support, n (%)Oxygen therapy, n (%)
Centre 1 (n=543)37 (6.8)29 (5.3)16 (3.0)4 (0.7)131 (24.1)137 (25.2)23 (4.2)0 (0, 93) *4 (1, 36)
Centre 2 (n=364)38 (10.4)3 (0.8)20 (5.5)28 (7.7)112 (30.8)62 (17.0)40 (11.0)0 (0, 95)*6.5 (1, 78)
p Value0.05<0.0010.05<0.0010.030.003<0.0010.03†0.03†
  • All p values are χ2 tests for difference between groups unless otherwise stated.

  • *0 days means full feeds achieved on day of birth.

  • †Kendall's Tau.

  • LOS, length of stay.