Table 3

Systematic reviews on the treatment of IH

Systematic reviewStudies included. TherapyPatients (n)Age at treatment initiationDoseDuration of therapyAny improvementAdverse events
Marqueling et al56N=41
2008–2012 Propranolol
12646.6 m (3d to 10 y)Mean: 2.1 mg/kg/dMean 6.4 m Range
1 wk to 15 m
Range 82–100%
See text
Izadpanah et al57N total=41
N Propr=25
N Cortic. 16


12±6 m
Not reported

2 mg/kg/d 3SD
2–3 mg/kg/d

4 wk −12 m
4–8 wk

71% p<0.0001
See text
  • Cortic, corticosteroids; d, day; IH, infantile haemangioma; m, months; propr., propranolol; wk, weeks; y, years.