Table 2

 Estimated daily intake (mg) of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and protein for 43 children born to mothers with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (ChMIDDM) and 98 controls

ControlsChMIDDMDifference (95% CI)p Value
The data are presented as mean (SD). The mean differences between the two groups and their associated confidence intervals (CI) and significance levels are shown, after adjustment for weight and sex.
Calcium884 (454)967 (403)118 (−46 to 282)0.2
Magnesium233 (72)259 (65)28 (2 to 55)0.04
Sodium2580 (720)2940 (840)410 (140 to 690)0.004
Protein64 (19)76 (21)14 (6 to 21)<0.001