Table 2

 Results of screening for subclinical histological chorioamnionitis (HCA) by applying the one minute and five minute perfusion index (PI) cut-off values generated by study phase 1 to an unselected term newborn population recruited prospectively

Variable1 min and 5 min PI < cut-off criteria
Where applicable, values are mean (SD). Non-normally distributed continuous variables are expressed as median (25th–75th centiles). Categorical variables are expressed as case numbers with percentages in parentheses.
Significant pairwise differences, Bonferroni corrected significance levels: *0.05<p<0.01; **0.01<p<0.0001; ***p<0.0001.
NICU, Neonatal intensive care unit; SGA, small for gestational age; SNAPE-PE, score for neonatal acute physiology-perinatal extension; NTISS, neonatal therapeutic intervention scoring system.
Number of cases32297
Gestational age (weeks)39.3 (1.5)39.6 (1.0)
Birth weight (g)3225 (375)3380 (440)
1 min perfusion index1.53 (0.98)3.95 (1.2)***
5 min perfusion index1.98 (1.0)4.02 (2.14)***
Confirmative diagnosis of HCA30 (93.7%)0/297 (0%)
1 min Apgar score5 (4–9)9 (8–10)*
5 min Apgar score9 (7–9)9 (9–10)
1 min core temperature (°C)37.0 (0.20)37.1 (0.15)
1 min skin temperature (°C)34.4 (0.34)34.7 (0.25)
5 min core temperature (°C)37.0 (0.19)37.03 (0.31)
5 min skin temperature (°C)34.8 (0.31)34.8 (0.58)
Cord blood pH7.303 (0.185)7.335 (0.12)
Cord blood base excess−6.1 (4.4)−1.2 (3.8)***
Admission to NICU2 (6.2%)14 (4.71%)
SGA (birth weight <3rd centile)2 (6.2%)11 (3.34%)
Endotracheal intubation1 (3.3%)1 (0.9%)
SNAP-PE3 (3–8)0 (0–1)***
NTISS2 (1–5)0 (0–1)***