Table 1

 Ashington audit series

Parameter and methodologyFindingsReference
Mortality: intrapartum deaths and deaths during the first 28 days of life for singletons born to mothers booked for delivery in Ashington.5.12/1000 singletons in 1991–5 before the introduction of the ANNP service: 3.11/1000 in 1996–2000, after the ANNPs came into post. For the whole Northern region, the reduction was from 4.10 to 2.99. 2
Confidential enquiry into quality of neonatal care review of 87 anonymised cases from Ashington and 5 comparator hospitals.On six out of seven dimensions of quality, Ashington performed better than the average of the comparators and overall ranked second. 10
Quality of resuscitation at birth: independent case note review of 47 babies who took longer than 5 minutes to establish respiration.No evidence of substandard care. 2
Grade 2/3 neonatal encephalopathy (NE) rate: case note review of all term babies with fits in first 7 days of life.NE rate 18/14634 (1.23/1000): comparable to other recent studies (NB: neonatal encephalopathy rates reflect quality of obstetric care more than neonatal care). 2
Need for and review of transfer before and after delivery and management of transfer after delivery.97.5% of mothers booked for delivery in Ashington receive all their care and their baby’s care there. Babies born to 2.5% of women received some or all care at a regional centre; 44% of these were transferred before delivery. No evidence of increased morbidity associated with transfers. 2
Sensitivity and specificity of newborn clinical screening for congenital heart disease and congenital dysplasia/dislocation of the hip. Five year audit using regional database for structural heart disease; region’s hospitals for hip surgery.Heart disease confirmed in 81/139 babies suspected of heart defect; 14 missed. Performance as good as or better than comparator units. Hip dysplasia: number/proportion of infants requiring surgery lower than any other comparator hospital and lower than the rate in the UK-wide study.2, 11
Parent satisfaction with pre-discharge examination of newborn infant. Two studies, one face to face and one postal. Used 4 comparator units.On 9 parameters, Ashington was ranked 1st, on two, 1st equal on one and second on six. 12
Communication: quality of discharge letters. Review by interview and questionnaire.Parents are given a copy of the discharge letter. Ashington letters more timely, more accurate, and all parents valued them. Only one comparator unit gave a copy to parents. 13
Neonatal readmission within 28 days.Third lowest in the region. Proportion readmitted to the unit where they were born was second highest in the region.2, 14
Training: independent review.Considered more satisfactory than in other reported studies.2, 15
Staff stress: confidential report.See text. 2
Costs: financial analysis.Marginally lower than comparable units (see text).2, 9