Table 3

 Pre-ECMO factors and survival to discharge after ECMO

Risk factorInfantsSurvivors
Values in parentheses are percentage of the cohort in the case of the infants affected, and percentage of the affected infants in the case of the survivors.
ECMO, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.
Oxygen dependent at baseline22 (34)14 (64)
NICU inpatient12 (19)7 (58)
Inotropes required41 (64)31 (76)
RSV positive54 (85)44 (81)
Culture negative bronchiolitis7 (11)6 (86)
Bordetella pertussis 3 (5)1 (33)
Secondary bacterial pneumonia8 (12)6 (75)