Table 2

 Comparison of values for the production-conjugation index, COHbc, TCB, and STB for neonates ⩾37 weeks gestation and those >37 weeks

Variable⩽37 weeks gestation>37 weeks gestationp Value
Values are mean (SD) or median (interquartile range), as appropriate
STB, Serum total bilirubin; COHbc, carboxyhaemoglobin corrected for inspired carbon monoxide; TCB, total conjugated bilirubin; tHb, total haemoglobin.
index (unitless)2.31 (2.12–3.08)1.05 (0.53–1.81)0.003
COHbc (% tHb)0.88 (0.21)0.82 (0.20)0.46
TCB (% STB)0.39 (0.31–0.42)0.74 (0.44–1.69)0.009
STB (μmol/l)160 (35)141 (72)0.48