Table 6

Factors associated with age of weaning (weeks)

StudyFactorCoefficientp Value
Stepwise multiple regression models including type of milk fed, maternal age, birth weight, sex, whether mother and father smoked during 2nd and 3rd trimesters, social class, child’s birth order, maternal education (see text). Preterm study models also included infant gestational age, whether infant required ventilation, duration of ventilation, and proportion of human milk in the diet. Only variables included in the final models are shown in the table.
Term AGA (N)Maternal age (years)0.140.001
Breast milk given (1=y, 2=n)−1.50.001
Term AGA (I)Breast milk given (1=y, 2=n)−1.650.001
Maternal smoking (1=n, 2=y)−1.90.001
Birth weight (kg)−1.00.014
Preterm (B)Maternal smoking (1=n, 2=y)−2.00.005
Proportion of human milk (%) during neonatal period0.040.006