Table 1

Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion thresholds for preterm neonates

Assisted ventilationCPAPBreathing spontaneously
<28 days⩾28 days<28 days⩾28 daysFio2>0.21Well in air
RBC transfusion may be considered at higher thresholds than the above for neonates with: hypovolaemia (unresponsive to crystalloid infusion); septic shock; necrotising enterocolitis; undergoing/recovering from major surgery.
CPAP, Continuous positive airways pressure; Hb, haemoglobin concentration; PCV, packed cell volume (values derived from capillary samples).
Hb<12 g/dl or PCV<0.40Hb<11 g/dl or PCV<0.35Hb<10 g/dl or PCV<0.30Hb<10 g/dl or PCV<0.30Hb<8 g/dl or PCV<0.25Hb<8 g/dl or PCV<0.25Hb<7 g/dl or PCV<0.20