Table 1

 Anthropometric data at birth and clinical features of the neonatal period

SGA neonatesAGA neonatesStatistical significance
For the z score, the difference is the mean of the intrapair score differences. Exact χ2 on discordant pairs. p Values in bold indicate significant difference.
*Values are mean (range).
†Values are n/N where N is the number of known data and n is the number of cases.
‡Values are median (range).
§One also had minor leucomalacias.
SGA, Small for gestational age; AGA, appropriate size for gestational age; HC, head circumference; NEC, necrotising enterocolitis; PIVH, peri-intraventricular haemorrhage, bilateral grading.
Birth weight (g)*849 (660–990)1434 (1090–2400)Median difference 480
    Mean z score−2.68 (0.96)−0.43 (0.85)2.26 (1.02)
Length (cm)*34.3 (31–43)38.8 (35–46)Median difference 6
    Mean z score−3.22 (1.08)−0.50 (0.93)2.74 (1.40)
HC (cm)*25.4 (23–27.5)28.5.5 (25–33)Median difference 3
    Mean z score−2.67 (1.10)−0.60 (0.91)2.62 (1.20)
One minute Apgar score ⩽2†9/365/35p<0.20
Hyaline membrane disease†6/3613/34 p<0.02
Patent ductus arteriosus†9/363/32p<0.10
Enteropathy/NEC†11/364/34 p<0.05
Mechanical ventilation (days)‡1 (0–167)3 (0–20)
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia†8/362/35 p<0.02
Congenital anomalies†11/364/36 p<0.05
Gastro-oesophageal reflux†15/367/35 p<0.05
One to four other complications†27/3615/34 p<0.01
Hospital stay (days)*77 (42–257)65 (15–171)
Retinopathy grade 1 or 2†6/313/27p<0.20
PIVH grade (0-I) to (II-II)†13/36§15/34+1(III-III)p<0.90
Pure minor leucomalacias†5/364/36p<0.90