Table 2

Parental and family characteristics and child rearing practices in the low birthweight and control families

<2000 g (n=130) Mean (SD)>3000 g (n= 130) Mean (SD)Difference of means95% CI of differencep Value (t test)
*Symptom check list-revised (SCL-90R). General stress index.
†Raven progressive matrices test. The age corrected scores, z-transformed to mean of 0 and SD of 1, were used.
‡Child rearing practices report (CRPR).
§Parental stress index. Parental domain score reflects aspects of general parenting.
¶Factor scores z-transformed to mean of 0 and SD of 1 were used.
    Paternal education in years12. to 2.10.002
    Average income (in 1000 no.kroner)40.9 (2.8)45.5 (4.1)4.6-1.4 to 5.30.36
    Maternal education in years12.313.31.00.4 to 1.70.002
    Maternal age (years)31.7 (5.2)32.6 (4.5)0.9-0.4 to 2.20.15
    Maternal psychological distress*¶0.34 (0.33)0.27 (0.24)0.07-0.14 to 0.0070.07
    Maternal Raven score†-0.08 (1.0)0.14 (1.0)0.21-0.48 to 0.050.11
Child rearing practices‡¶
    Nurturance-0.13 (0.09)0.14 (0.08)-0.27-0.51 to –0.030.03
    Restrictiveness0.08 (0.10)-0.07 (0.08)0.15-0.09 to 0.400.27
    Permissiveness0.03 (0.09)-0.03 (0.08)0.06-0.19 to 0.310.63
    Overruling0.08 (0.09)-0.09 (0.08)0.16-0.08 to 0.410.19
Parent domain stress§¶0.08 (0.1)-0.07 (0.09)0.15-0.12 to 0.420.28
Family life event§¶1.3 (1.4)1.2 (1.4)0.03-0.33 to 0.390.87
Number (%)p Value (χ2)
Single parent family15 (12)10 (8)0.3
Maternal smoking during pregnancy55/11138/1250.04