Table 2

Differential diagnosis of increased nucleated red bloods cells in the fetus and newborn

I. Physiological
  Labour and vaginal births
  Preterm newborns
  Post-term newborns
II. Increased erythropoiesis
  Chronic hypoxia
   Growth restriction
   Maternal pre-eclampsia
   Maternal smoking
   Blood loss
   Haemolysis—ABO or Rh isoimmunization, other
  Maternal diabetes
   Down's syndrome
   TORCH infections
III. Acute stress release
  Acute hypoxia
  Subacute hypoxia
IV. Postnatal hypoxia
  Cyanotic heart disease
  Pulmonary failure
V. Idiopathic
  • TORCH, Toxoplasma, other viruses, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes.