Table 1

Results of multiple regression analyses of left ventricular output (LVO) as a function of postnatal age and haematocrit

Global and partial coefficient of correlation B Standard
error of B
p Value
Closed duct (n = 84) A = 545 (57) ml/min
LVO estimate r = 0.6972 ml/kg/minp < 0.00001
X1 = haematocrit (%) r = −0.48−5.481.1p < 0.00001
X2 = postnatal age (days) r = 0.151.861.3NS
Open duct (n = 59) A = 579 (112) ml/min
LVO estimate r = 0.64137 ml/kg/minp < 0.00001
X1 = haematocrit (%) r = −0.27−5.52.4p < 0.05
X2 = postnatal age (days) r = 0.4625.46.6p < 0.001
  • LVO = A + B1X1+ B2X2