Table 1

Cases of ESBLKp sepsis

CasesSexGestation (weeks)Birthweight (kg)Underlying problemsAntibiotics before ESBLKp sespis and days of useAge at sepsis onset (days)Date of ESBLKp sepsisSites of positive culturesEmpiric antibioticsOutcome
1F413.5Bladder extrophyA2, G2, Am(oral)52430/7/95Blood, urineAmi, FSurvived
2M403.7NEC (day 3)A9. G9, M91329/10/95BloodCtx, G then Ami (at 24 hours)Survived
3M342.0Malrotation; volvulus; NEC (day 25)Cl 12, G14, A7, M46019/1/96BloodCtx, G then Imi (at 24 hours)Survived
4F352.4GastoschisisA11, Ami11, M5, G55627/1/96BloodV, G then Ctx, G (at 24 hours) then Imi (1 dose)Died
5M291.2HMDNil63/3/96BloodV, GDied
6F250.6CLD, FTT; NEC, multiple gut resectionsMultiple courses1953/3/96BloodA, G then Imi (at 48 hours)Survived
7F372.82Cloacal extrophy; lipomyelo-meningoceleA6, G6, M4611/3/96Blood, urineImiSurvived
  • HMD = hyaline membrane disease; CLD = chronic lung disease; FTT = failure to thrive; NEC = necrotising enterocolitis; ESBLKp = extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae; A = ampicillin; Cl = clindamycin; Imi = imipenem; Am = amoxycillin; Ctx = cefotaxime; M = metronidazole; Ami = amikacin; F = flucloxacillin; V = vanomycin; G = gentamicin.