Table 4

MBD screening test, Movement ABC, and Griffiths’ developmental test comparisons between children with or without hypoglycaemia in the neonatal period of diabetic mothers, and control children (number, abnormal : normal)

MBD screening test (number)
 1 Hop on one leg 20 times (abnormal : normal)4:92:132:26
 2 Stand on one leg for 20 seconds (abnormal : normal)4:94-150 4:111:27
 3 Associated movements when walking on lateral sides of feet for 10 seconds (abnormal : normal)5:82:134:24
 4 Diadochokinesis for 10 seconds (abnormal : normal)4:94:112:26
 5 Cut out a paper circle with a diameter of 10 cm (abnormal : normal)6:74-150 7:83:25
 6 WISC labyrinth test in accordance with description in manual (abnormal : normal)3:102:131:27
 Total score (points)2.5 (2.8)4-150 1.6  (1.9)4-150 0.5  (0.6)
 Screening test abnormal in ⩾ 3 items5** 20
Movement ABC (points)
 Manual dexterity1.96 (2.4)1.33 (1.7)0.93 (1.0)
 Ball skills2.12 (2.0)2.13 (2.2)1.75 (1.9)
 Static and dynamic balance1.50 (2.4)0.83 (1.3)0.59 (1.2)
 Total score5.58 (6.0)4.30 (3.90)3.27 (2.4)
 Movement ABC > 13p100
 Movement ABC 10-13p121
Parents’ questionnaire
 Behavioural difficulties4** 10
Griffiths’ test (stanine units)
 Scale, personal and social development4.8 (0.9)4-150 5.8 (1.3)6.1 (1.6)
 Scale, hearing and speech6.4 (1.7)7.0 (1.6)7.7 (1.6)
 Scale, eye and hand coordination5.9 (2.4)7.2 (1.7)6.6 (1.6)
 Scale, test of performance5.1 (2.1)5.8 (2.2)5.9 (1.2)
 Scale, practical reasoning4.4 (1.6)5.6 (1.4)5.4 (1.8)
 Total score (DQ)94.9 (7.9)4-150 100.5 (5.7)99.8 (5.4)
  • 4-150 p<0.05, ** p<0.01, compared to control children.