Table 2

Estimated median differences between EMLA and placebo

Variable 95% Confidence intervals2-150P value (non parametric)
Heart rate−2.5 (−8.8 to 3.2)0.376
Systolic BP−3.5 (−8.2 to 1.25)0.126
Diastolic BP−3.0 (−7.5 to 1.75)0.220
Oxygen saturation0.11(−1.2 to 1.22)0.825
NFCS score0 (−2.00 to 1.75)0.984
Duration of first cry−6.5 (−22.5 to 11.5) 0.446
Total duration of crying−22 (−96 to 24)0.240
Methaemoglobin 1 h0.3 (−0.1 to 0.7)0.112
Methaemoglobin 8 h0.5 (0.1 to 2.3)0.016
  • 2-150 Note: negative value means that the variable median is lower with EMLA than placebo cream.