Table 2

Summary of results

1. 100% of all eligible resident babies to be screenedYes
2. 100% of parents to receive adequate verbal and written information about the screening programme and testsNot done
3. 100% of tests should be taken between 6 and 10 days (excluding cases with difficult access, repeat samples and babies who move into district)No (97.9%)
4. 95% of screening card samples to be received by the laboratory within 6 days of being taken, 100% within 13 daysPart 1 - yes,
part 2 - no (99.8%)
5. 100% of samples should be of adequate quality for testing, repeats should be requested on no more than 2% of babiesPart 1 - no (98.1%)
part 2 - no (2.9%)
6. 90% of results will be available within 2 working days of sample receipt, 100% within 4 working daysYes
7. 90% of results should be received by the child health department within 4 working days of completion of analysis, 100% within 7 working daysYes
8. 100% of all appropriate results to be entered on the child health computer within 3 working daysNo (85.3%)
9. 100% of eligible resident babies should have results or recall for repeat testing generated by 28 days of ageYes
10. 100% of neonates diagnosed as having congenital hypothyroidism should commence appropriate treatment by 28 days of ageYes
11. 100% of neonates diagnosed as having phenylketonuria should start appropriate treatment by 28 days of ageYes