Reliability of NNAP's RoP screening data

Sam J Oddie, Clinical Lead,
March 22, 2016

We are sorry to hear that colleagues at the Royal Free Hospital felt that our analysis of the data they provided did not reflect the realities of what is happening in their neonatal unit.

We have already made significant changes to the processes for the 2013 data, which is expected to be published this October. NNAP now includes entries in either of the locations within the badger system ("daily data" or "ad hoc forms") as indicating that an ROP screen took place. Furthermore, we have worked with the software supplier so that within the current version of the software an entry in the daily data to indicate that an ROP screen took place now automatically opens an ad hoc form, where the rest of the details of the ROP screen can be entered.

We hope that these measures, and others such as the inclusion of post discharge ROP screens conducted at the correct time, will help NNAP and its participant units to highlight good practice, as well as identifying any units where adherence to national guidance is not yet complete.

We also agree that training users in data entry, ensuring staff understand the significance of data entry and reviewing data prior to its use for national audit, is crucial for the audit to be effective.

Finally, it is good to hear that the unit is reviewing its processes in response to the NNAP findings, as the main aim of the audit is to ensure best practice is shared to improve care for newborns.

Conflict of Interest:

Clinical Lead, NNAP

Conflict of Interest

None declared