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Hospital re-admission of late preterm or term infants is not a factor influencing duration of predominant breastfeeding
  1. Deborah Ann McNeil1,2,
  2. Jodi Siever1,
  3. Suzanne Tough3,
  4. Wendy Yee3,
  5. M Sarah Rose4,
  6. Thierry Lacaze-Masmonteil5,6
  1. 1Department of Population and Public Health, Alberta Health Services, Calgary, Canada
  2. 2Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
  3. 3Departments of Paediatrics and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
  4. 4Rho–Sigma Scientific Consultants, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  5. 5Department of Paediatrics, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada
  6. 6Women and Children's Health Research Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
  1. Correspondence to Dr Deborah McNeil, Department of Public Health Innovation and Decision Support, Alberta Health Services, Southport Atrium, 10101 Southport Rd SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 3N2, Canada; Debbie.mcneil{at}


Objective To determine whether hospital re-admission within the first 2 months of life decreases the odds of predominant breastfeeding.

Design Mothers living in two large healthcare regions of Alberta (population 1 000 000 each) were recruited to participate in this prospective matched cohort study if they delivered a singleton infant between 34 and 41 weeks' gestation and were discharged within 7 days. Re-admitted infants were matched to non-re-admitted infants by site and date of birth. Questionnaires were mailed at 2 months postpartum. Predominant breastfeeding was defined as breastfeeding for at least three feedings per day for the past 7 days.

Results A total of 1798 mothers were eligible for analysis, (n=250 re-admitted, 1548 non-re-admitted). Seventy three per cent (n=1315) reported predominant breastfeeding at 2 months. Infant re-admission (adjusted OR: 1.12, 95% CI 0.8 to 1.55) and late preterm birth were not associated with discontinuation of predominant breastfeeding. The odds of predominantly breastfeeding were two times greater, if mothers' perceptions of talking about breastfeeding with a healthcare provider were positive versus negative. Whereas the odds were decreased for primiparous women (adjusted OR 0.61 95% CI 0.47 to 0.78) and not impacted for multiparous women (OR 0.60 95% CI 0.32 to 1.13) with a negative versus neutral perception of the breastfeeding talk experience.

Conclusions Hospital re-admission and late preterm birth had no significant impact on the odds of predominant breastfeeding beyond 8 weeks post partum whereas the odds were increased with a perception of a positive experience in speaking with a healthcare provider.

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  • Funding Alberta Innovates Health Solutions formerly Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Ethics approval Health Reserach Health Ethics Board at the University of Calgary and The Health Research Ethics Board of the University of Alberta.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.