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PL.94 The Declining Rate of VBAC in a Dublin Tertiary Centre
  1. M Farren,
  2. N Obaidi,
  3. A Mullally,
  4. CO Gorman,
  5. M Turner,
  6. N Farah
  1. Coombe Women and Infants Universtiy Hospital, Dublin, Ireland


Promotion of VBAC has been an area of interest since the 1950’s when the TOLAC trial emerged. We looked at rates in a tertiary referral centre, comparing the difference in VBAC rate among Para 1 (One previous LSCS) in 2011 and 2005. The results reveal a declining VBAC rate. The rate fell from 33.1% in 2005 to 23% in 2011.

In 2011, 56% had elective LSCS. Of those who laboured, 52% (n = 166) had VBAC, 47.6% (n = 151) had Emergency LSCS. This was in comparison to 2005: 42% had Elective LSCS. Of those who laboured, 56.2% (n = 189) had VBAC, 43.75% (n = 147) had Emergency LSCS.

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