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Delivery outcomes of the older obstetric patient – a retrospective study of 18 753 deliveries in ninewells hospital
  1. S Bell,
  2. P Dunne,
  3. S Bandyopadhyay
  1. Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK


Objective Increasing maternal age was associated with an increased incidence in induction of labour, obstetric interventions and early postpartum haemorrhage. We aim to investigate the effect of maternal age on delivery outcomes in our hospital.

Methods Retrospective analysis of the database in Ninewells hospital, which include all mothers delivering between 2004 and 2007, (n=18 753). We looked at the mother's age at delivery, mode of delivery, gestation, indications and mode of interventions, postpartum haemorrhage and baby's birth weight.

Results For the purposes of this study the data will be compared against each other (over 40 and under 40), There were 518 patients in the 40–43 age group (92%), 41 patients in the 44–47 age group (7.3%) and 4 (0.7%) in the ≥ 48 age group. Compared to the younger age group, the older mothers are at increased risk of caesarean section (21.9% at <40 and 35.5% at >40) and this risk increases with increasing age. They also have higher induction rate (29% compared to 35%). The incidence of PPH in older mothers are significantly higher (10% in <40 and 42%in >40). There was no difference in baby's birth weight.

Conclusion From literature review we know that age is risk factors for obstetric complications. Maternal morbidity includes complications of hypertensive diseases and diabetes. Rate of induction and rate of caesarean section rates rise with increasing age. This study clearly confirms that the intervention and complication rate is higher in older mother.

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