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Nasal continuous positive airway pressure: does bubbling improve gas exchange?
  1. C J Morley,
  2. R Lau,
  3. A De Paoli,
  4. P G Davis
  1. Neonatal Services, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria 3053, Australia
  1. Correspondence to:
    Professor Morley
    Neonatal Services, The Royal Women’s Hospital, 132 Grattan Street, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria 3053, Australia;


In a randomised crossover trial, 26 babies, treated with Hudson prong continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) from a bubbling bottle, received vigorous, high amplitude, or slow bubbling for 30 minutes. Pulse oximetry, transcutaneous carbon dioxide, and respiratory rate were recorded. The bubbling rates had no effect on carbon dioxide, oxygenation, or respiratory rate.

  • CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure
  • Paco2, arterial carbon dioxide
  • Spo2, oxygen saturation
  • Tcco2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide concentration
  • TcPo2, transcutaneous oxygen
  • continuous positive airway pressure
  • CPAP
  • carbon dioxide
  • ventilation

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