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Use of inhaled nitric oxide to improve oxygenation in the neonate
  1. D FIELD
  1. Department of Child Health
  2. University of Leicester
  3. Robert Kilpatrick Clinical Sciences Building
  4. Leicester Royal Infirmary
  5. PO Box 65
  6. Leicester LE2 7LX
  7. Medical Statistics Unit
  8. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  9. Keppel Street
  10. London WC1E 7HT

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Editor—We read with interest the recent annotation by Rennie and Bokhari1 on the subject of recent advances in neonatology. The piece was introduced by a foreword indicating that the article was aimed at the non-specialist. It seems particularly important therefore that the information contained should have been clear and well balanced; we feel that this was not the case with regard to inhaled nitric oxide (NO).

In relation to mature infants, a number of studies have shown that short term improvements in oxygenation can be achieved in …

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