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Adverse neonatal effects of maternal labetalol treatment
  1. B N A Crooksa,
  2. S A Deshpandea,
  3. C Hallb,
  4. M P Ward Platta,
  5. D W A Milligana
  1. aNewcastle Neonatal Service Special Care Baby Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, bDepartment of Pharmacy
  1. Dr S A Deshpande Neonatal Unit, Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals NHS Trust, Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury SY3 8XQ.


Two infants with features of severe β adrenergic blockade, pericardial effusions, and myocardial hypertrophy were born to mothers receiving long term treatment with oral labetalol for hypertension in pregnancy. Labetalol was implicated in the aetiology of these problems. Pericardial effusion and myocardial hypertrophy have not been associated with labetalol toxicity in neonates.

  • labetalol
  • hypotension
  • hypoglycaemia

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